Thursday, September 15, 2011

30lbs Down! Job Song. Jewel's Baby Pics & More!

Since Feb I've been trying to lose weight on my own. I've made healthier choices and changed my eating habits. I started out with the intention of hitting the treadmill 4 - 5 times a week, but I will admit I slacked off a little. I fell back to about 2 - 3 times a week. I did not follow any sort of diet plan or regimen. Instead I did things like adding more fruit and veggies to my diet and cut back on some calories with things like Almond Milk instead of 2% milk, cut back on salt and drink lots of water! I've been trying to keep the new food pyramid in mind too. Honestly I do what I can when I can. With that said, it sure took me a while but I finally hit my 30 lb goal! Losing 30 pounds has been a struggle. I am quite proud though to say I did it on my own! Now my next goal is 20 lbs by Jan. I normally wouldn't be so public with this because it is a major struggle and can be a little embarrassing at times, but I figured if I open up about it then I have to be more accountable for my actions. Hopefully this will help too! Do you have any secrets that would help? I would love to know what small changes you've made in your diet that has helped you! Please comment below if you have any suggestions for me! Thanks!

Trip to McDonald's Is Lethal
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this story. It's tragic and shocking that this could even happen. Just think about how many times you've gone to a fast food restaurant and how lucky you are that this uncommon incident didn't happen to you. Here's the story from AP:

Police said yesterday that carbon dioxide leaking from a soda fountain at a McDonald's in Savannah, Georgia made 10 people ill, including a woman who died after being found unconscious in the ladies room.
Investigators believe that a gas line was leaking between the walls of the McDonald's for about a week and gave off fumes that left those in the fast-food restaurant unable to breathe.
Pooler Police Chief Mark Revenew said, "It caused what is normally a harmless gas to be pumped into the wall cavity and leak into the women's restroom. At a high level of concentration, it displaces oxygen."

Made Me Think of My Mom
My mom is amazing, loving, caring, helpful, wise, and hysterical! She's also completely and utterly technologically challenged. It is comical at times. She still can't use the VCR let alone the DVD player and sometimes has issues using email still. Seeing this video absolutely made me think of her. If you have anyone like this in your life you will crack up too! The 2 minute mark is the best.

Easy Bake Oven From Mars!
I get it, things change through time and become more modern. However, the description of why they updated the look of the easy bake oven "to look more like a real appliance" confuses me. I have relatively new appliances and none of them look like this! HaHaHa. Whatever. Just about every girl wants an Easy Bake Oven at some point in their childhood. It's a classic and probably will be forever! Here's the new oven:

The most shocking change is that it will no longer require a light bulb. Since the government is phasing out the incandescent bulbs, they had to come up with a new way of baking. Now there is a heating element inside. Sounds like if I was a kid now a days, my mom would not feel this is safe. Good thing it was just a bulb when I was a kid. After seeing this I couldn't get the Easy Bake old commercial out of my head so I did a search and what do ya know...I found it! Now you can have it stuck in your head too! :)

Along with millions of other Americans...My new theme song is from Burns & Poe!

Beautiful New Momma!
Singer Jewel finally released a few photos of her new baby! She looks great and the baby is gorgeous! Click HERE to see more BABY PICS!
photo courtesy of Kurt Marcus/People

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